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Falcon 2000 Baggage Door Bell-Crank Interference

December 2009
Bell-crank in the aft baggage door on a F2000 striking a torque tube bolt during operation.
Falcon Baggage Door

Duncan Aviation technicians found that a bell-crank in the aft baggage door on a Falcon 2000 has been striking a torque tube bolt during the closing operation of the door. To check and see if your Falcon 2000 has this issue, look up through the large lighting hole at the bottom of the door, operate the outside door handle to the closed position and note the bell-crank located near door centerline. If it is striking the bolt on the torque tube, inspect the bell-crank. To prevent further damage, remove the offending bolt and turn it around to provide clearance.

For any questions about this or other Falcon technical issues, contact your Duncan Aviation Falcon Tech Rep.