Duncan Aviation and Honeywell Aerospace have worked together to develop efficiencies for Honeywell SPEX exchanges on the VG14A gyro, P/N7000622-901, that allow the exchange price of that unit to drop by half. These service efficiencies allow for more value with the SPEX exchange on this unit.
Therefore, starting in April, operators will be able to receive the VG14A Honeywell SPEX exchange for $5,500.
Customers who buy the exchange unit will receive a full one-year unlimited warranty, "no billback" guarantee from Honeywell and Duncan Aviation's 24/7 customer service complete with same-day shipping and no AOG fees.
To purchase a Honeywell VG-14A SPEX exchange, contact a Duncan Aviation Part Sales Representative at 800.562.6377 or +1 402.475.2611.
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