During the 36 month / 2,400 hour inspection of your Falcon 7X, pay particular attention to the slat door close out mechanism rollers for seizing. The roller axle is too short and the roller will bind itself when the assembly nut is torqued.
Dassault has corrected this issue with the evolution of part number F7XC574129150A2 to F7XC574129150A3.
Honeywell TFE731 N2 Monopole Improvement: SB Updates & Troubleshooting
Aircraft Engine Low Utilization Inspections (LUI): When They're Really Due
Falcon 2000 FQMC Fault Codes: Water Contamination & Fuel Probe Repair
Falcon 900: What Is Causing The Wire Staining On Your High Current Feeder Wires?
2024 Highlights: Global Reach, Aircraft Sales Insights, and Market Expertise