Did you miss the Duncan Aviation Straight Talk webinar about the Garmin G5000 features, operational benefits, and long-term cost savings operating for Excel/XLS operators? No worries. Catch the replay here:
Duncan Aviation participants
Garmin participant
Any questions can be directed to Michael Kussatz at Michael.Kussatz@DuncanAviation.com
The next Duncan Aviation Straight Talk webinar is November 13th at 11:00am CST where we will be discussing Honeywell Flight Deck upgrades for aging aircraft. Get more information here: https://www.duncanaviation.aero/intelligence/2019/November/explore-your-options-honeywell-flight-deck-upgrades-for-your-aging-aircraft
Spring Wind Damage: Prevent Aircraft Door & Rudder Damage Gust Lock Tips
Honeywell TFE731 N2 Monopole Improvement: SB Updates & Troubleshooting
Aircraft Engine Low Utilization Inspections (LUI): When They're Really Due
Falcon 900: What Is Causing The Wire Staining On Your High Current Feeder Wires?
Listen Up! If You Don’t Have A 406MHz ELT, Your Signals May Not Be Monitored