Buying a business jet, especially for the first time, is a significant investment with many factors to consider. One of the most critical steps in this process is conducting a PPE (pre-purchase evaluation). For first-time buyers, this evaluation may seem like a complex and time-consuming process, but it’s designed to protect the investment and ensure that buyers are making safe, well-informed decisions.
A PPE is a thorough, non-biased evaluation of a pre-owned aircraft that includes multiple checks on its airworthiness, mechanical condition, maintenance history, regulatory compliance, and overall safety. This process involves various participants, including aircraft brokers or acquisition representatives, technical representatives with expertise in the specific airframe, engine, cockpit, and cabin technology, and associated components of the specific aircraft being evaluated.
During the post-pandemic aviation boom, many first-time, uninformed, and poorly advised buyers rushed into aircraft purchases without conducting a PPE. Due to unexpected expensive surprises, many are now faced with selling these investments at a significant loss.
Here are some issues that can arise if you skip this critical step:
When the buyer and seller know each other, a full-fledged PPE might not be needed. However, it’s a decision that should not be made lightly.
As the buyer, DO NOT make assumptions about the condition and value of the aircraft based solely on the relationship with the seller. Those assumptions often prove to be incorrect and can lead to damaged relationships. Even well-meaning sellers may not be fully aware of technical details or hidden issues. A PPE conducted by a team of experts can protect both parties and prevent potential damage to personal or professional relationships.
For the first-time business jet buyer, a PPE is an indispensable step that ensures the aircraft is a sound investment and helps the buyer budget and plan for future maintenance.
Duncan Aviation has a team of market researchers, data analysts, import/export specialists, marketing experts, modification and engineering representatives, and the industry’s most experienced airframe/engine/component technical representatives. They have sophisticated subscription-based programs, model comparison programs, internal data, and other resources, including:
To learn more about the services offered by Duncan Aviation’s Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions Department. Contact us at
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Business Jet Model/Market Summary
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