Hydrographics in Aviation
Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 11:00 am CST
Marketing Specialist, Harrison Duncan sits down with Completions and Modifications Sales Rep, Matt Spain and Finish Shop Team Lead, Chris Nelson to discuss hydrographics and how they can be used to customize aircraft interiors. An open Q&A will give you an opportunity to ask any questions you have concerning hydrographics and interior solutions.
Register now: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/3v0n5ar
Honeywell RDR-7000 IntuVue 3-D Weather Radar
Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 11:00 am CST
Duncan Aviation avionics experts will discuss Honeywell's new RDR-7000 radar and its leading-edge technologies. In addition to a discussion regarding this radar's new capabilities, we'll also be detailing early adopter pricing incentives.
Register now: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/2z9vmsq
WAAS/LPV & Data Comm Updates
Duncan Aviation avionics experts Michael Kussatz and John Spellmeyer discussed WAAS/LPV and Data Comm updates. We gave a brief overview of WAAS/LPV, and offered solutions and benefits.
Watch now: https://www.duncanaviation.aero/resources/straight-talk/waas-lpv-and-data-comm-updates.
Operational Benefits and Cost Savings of the G1000 NXi in your King Air
Duncan Aviation avionics experts and Garmin representative, Jim Laster, discuss the operational benefits and cost savings of installing the Garmin G1000 NXi in a King Air.
View all of Duncan Aviation's webinars here: https://www.duncanaviation.aero/resources/straight-talk/
All webinar questions and comments can be directed to Michael Kussatz at Michael.Kussatz@DuncanAviation.com
Falcon 900: What Is Causing The Wire Staining On Your High Current Feeder Wires?
Listen Up! If You Don’t Have A 406MHz ELT, Your Signals May Not Be Monitored
Bombardier Rolls Out Advanced Avionics Upgrade for Global 5X00/6X00 Aircraft
Not ready to upgrade to a Gogo AVANCE Internet System? Gogo C1 keeps your aircraft connected
Do I Need An Avionics Service Plan During Heavy Maintenance?