Safety of both your aircraft and your people is of the utmost importance, always.
So beware if any power-on, weight-off-wheels maintenance or troubleshooting is performed and the RAT (Ram Air Turbine) inhibit switch is not engaged. The RAT ground lock pin (TO-24-100), installed in the NLG wheel well, will only hold the RAT up-lock (which is now unlocked) in place.
In these circumstances, if the NLG RAT pin tool is pulled, the RAT will deploy. In addition, there is no CAS (Crew Alert System) or monitoring indication in the cockpit that the RAT is in the deploy configuration.
So don’t set up your pilots or maintenance personnel to work in an unsafe condition by not pushing the RAT inhibit button.
Keep it safe!
Photot: RAT deployed on a Falcon 7X
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