Pratt and Whitney released SIL (Service Information Letter) PW300-200 that introduces a scheduled Fan Blade Lubrication requirement on the PW307A engine due to unscheduled vibration events occurring in the field. This maintenance task is now required to be completed every 1600 engine hours.
Although this process is not new, the scheduled requirement is. During normal operation, the lubricant can become contaminated or worn away, preventing the fan blades from sliding smoothly into the correct position, causing blade misalignment and engine vibrations. How long an engine can operate before this becomes an issue depends on the environment the aircraft is operated in.
This procedure can be completed at your facility in a couple of days by our Rapid Response Teams or while the aircraft is at Duncan Aviation MRO for other work. The process involves removing the Fan Blades from the engine (special tooling required), lubricating the Fan Blade Root, and reinstalling them.
This process is intended to prevent unscheduled engine vibration issues. An engine vibration issue can cause an aircraft to be out of operation while waiting for a team to troubleshoot the issue and perform the corrective actions required.
Pratt & Whitney’s ESP program coverage may apply. Please contact your Duncan Aviation Engine Service Sales Representative for further details.
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