During the normal course of performing pre- and post-flight inspections, the aircraft is viewed from ground level. Because of this, Duncan Aviation Hawker technicians have seen an increase in paint and corrosion issues on the upper surface of the Horizontal Stabilizer and the Elevator.
Unless other maintenance is performed between inspections, this area is normally only detail-inspected during the 400 Hour Detailed Walk Around or Inspection F. The environmental exposure on these upper surfaces and the effects of TKS deicing fluid can be extremely detrimental, unless the exterior paint is well-maintained.
Some of the instances of corrosion on the elevators we have seen have required major repairs with their associated costs and downtime.
Whenever access to this area is possible, take a thorough look and remove any minor corrosion. Follow with protective measures. This will ensure that a small problem does not turn into an expensive and lengthy remedy.
If you have questions about this or any other technical issues regarding your Hawker aircraft, don't hesitate to give me a call. To review all the Hawker services we offer, visit our website at: www.DuncanAviation.aero/Services/Hawker
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