The removal and installation instructions for the starter generator are pretty straight forward and include cautions about ensuring the mounting tabs are aligned with the mounting slots.
What could go wrong?
Although doing the job yourself might be more efficient, holding a 40-pound generator above your head, aligning the splines in the gearbox, aligning the mounting tabs and installing a clamp is a little too much for one person and could lead to damage of the starter generator.
Many of these units we receive at Duncan Aviation for brush and bearing change, as well as overhaul, are typically found with one or both of the mounting tabs broken. This condition could go overlooked as it is nearly impossible to see after installation of the clamp.
Ensuring correct installation is the first step to ensuring correct operation and avoiding damage.
The task requires two people to complete. It's not only easier that way, but the chance of damage is greatly reduced.
End Bell good tabs
End Bell good tabs close up
End Bell broken tab
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