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myDuncan Saves Time & Reduces Paperwork

January 2010

When time is money, myDuncan.aero can help operators work more efficiently and shuffle less paperwork by managing aircraft and parts projects online. An innovative project management tool, myDuncan streamlines item and teardown approvals, saving time and effort by making paperwork obsolete.

Some projects have hundreds of items that require approval before work can begin. myDuncan allows customers to work through the list over several visits without shuffling a single piece of paper. It also helps streamline communication by allowing customers and project representatives to post questions and answers for an item. This paperless communication trail can be referenced at any time during the project. Photos can also be attached, which can be especially useful when managing a project off-site.

The system is particularly useful during prebuy evaluations, and any project that involves multiple parties. With the help of a Duncan Aviation project representative, customers can be assigned editing rights (to approve or decline items for work) or view-only rights (to browse item lists without the ability to take any action). Viewing rights can also be filtered by work order or by shop, if a customer only needs access to one part of a larger project.

myDuncan is a free service provided to customers of Duncan Aviation with projects currently in work. To request access for a project, please contact your Customer Account Representative or Project Manager. For more information, visit "How It Works" or view the video overview.