The ACSS NXT-700 AML STC (Approved Model List Supplemental Type Certificate) of the NXT-700 Mode S transponder is complete and ready to meet the ADS-B mandate for many legacy aircraft operators. Developed through the collaborative efforts of Duncan Aviation and ACSS, the NXT-700 Mode S transponder satisfies the DO-260B mandate for ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast).
This 2MCU package includes solutions for WAAS and non-WAAS aircraft and can be installed through our full-service locations in Battle Creek, Michigan; Lincoln, Nebraska; and Provo, Utah; as well as most of the 23 other satellite avionics teams located throughout the United States.
We have the capability to perform NXT-700 installations on more than 50 different aircraft, including the following:
The ACSS NXT-700 transponder will help legacy aircraft operators by providing avionics equipment that meets the ADS-B mandates. They will also save owner/operators costs and downtime because it is form-fit compatible with current retrofit Traffic Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) 7.1 systems and may be able to use the existing mounting rack and connectors for a quick installation. Since there are no additional control heads needed, the cockpit configurations will remain the same as well.
The Duncan Aviation satellite shop network offers customers a local, one-stop ADS-B upgrade option. To find the location nearest you, visit the locations page on our website at
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