Bombardier has recently amended the AMMs (Airframe Maintenance Manuals) of specific Global model aircraft to require the revision of the existing maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to include new maintenance tasks.
What are the new maintenance tasks?
These tasks require the inspection of the inboard flap spigot tubes and the internal structure of the mid and outboard flaps for corrosion. This inspection is mandated to be performed every 60 months (inboard) and 120 months (mid and outboard).
What Bombardier Global models are impacted?
We have complied with the SBs (Service Bulletins) that address the potential for corrosion in the flaps. Is this inspection required?
Yes. This inspection is required even if you have completed the Global Flap Corrosion Protection and Drainage Improvement SBs.
What happens if corrosion is found during this inspection?
Disassembly of the flaps will be required. This is essentially the same as completing Part D of the applicable SBs. Aircraft that have not completed Part D of the applicable SB are at a higher risk of corrosion being found. Operators should consider requesting compliance with these SBs, if not previously complied with, when the inspection is due or have a plan B ready to accommodate the associated costs and downtime if the SB or similar repairs are necessary.
Bombardier Global: What Is Your Flap Status?
Bombardier Global: Service Bulletins Issued To Address And Prevention Corrosion In Mid And Outboard Flaps:
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