A lot has changed in the world of air traffic control during the past 70 years. To help diagram some of the more recent changes, Duncan Aviation released a four-part video series on Understanding Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS), the avionics system that provides direct data link communication between the pilot and air traffic controller.
Justin Vena, Avionics Installations Rep for Duncan Aviation, hosted the series which details FANS history, evolution, operations, certification and upcoming mandates. He gives advice regarding FANS operations and answers the most common questions he hears from operators.
Justin’s passion for understanding the world’s NextGen initiatives has led to his extensive research on the subject. The FANS video series explains Controller Pilot Data Link (CPDLC), Automatic Dependent Surveillance Contract (ADS-C) and how they operate. He gives details about what happens with initial set-up and operation, including air traffic controller hand-offs, and explains the components included in a typical FANS system.
The video series provides information in regards to FANS mandates in Europe and the North Atlantic tracks. This resource is provided by Duncan Aviation in addition to Straight Talk About FANS 1/A, which was released in 2011 and can be found at www.DuncanAviation.aero/straighttalk.
Take a deeper look into the subject of FANS 1/A by attending an online interactive webinar hosted by Justin Vena on December 18th, 2012, 2-3 pm EST. He'll go into depth about how FANS works, generic system configurations, certification requirements and mandates, plus much more.
Duncan Aviation's FANS 1/A webinar is a free internet seminar for operators researching FANS compliance for their aircraft, and all aviation enthusiasts with an interest in FAA NextGen initiatives. There are only 100 "seats" available.Register today!
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