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New FDR & CVR Service

Designed for aircraft ranging from PC-12s to Boeing 747s, pilots will be able to use the FMS-LPV’s SBAS (Space-Based Augmentation System) WAAS/LPV for greater precision on approaches. WAAS provides navigation systems that take advantage of GPS and Geostationary Satellites to offer greatly improved accuracy—both horizontally and vertically to within 12 inches. It’s reliable and accurate.

There are multiple approach indicators, greater flexibility in selecting airport, and access to smaller airports with reduced minimums, and you’ll experience fuel savings in an aircraft equipped with LPV.

Certainly, the upgrade will cost money and time, but the initial investment will provide savings in fuel and flight time.

As systems age, newer equipment like this greatly enhances the resale value of an aircraft.

For Information about pricing and/or scheduling, please call one of our satellite locations View Satellite Locations