Duncan Aviation’s successful myDuncan.aero initiative started with a small number of users in 2006. Today, the number of users has more than tripled. With new users every month, it is one of the most successful customer communication programs in the company’s history.
Tracey Hein, Project Manager, and John Spevak, Airfame Team Leader, view customer approved items via myDuncan.aero.
It is easy, it is cool and it is fast. But best of all, it has become an essential tool, one that helps every step of the communication process. It gives Duncan Aviation customers better control of their projects. It speeds things along for item approvals and gets the teams working on squawks faster. It also limits last-minute questions about the project and about the invoice that can slow down the delivery process. It is way more than innovation for innovation’s sake–myDuncan.aero has permanently improved and changed customer communication, engaging customers on a new, higher level.
Duncan Aviation’s Project Managers report that more than 95% of their customers use myDuncan to stay on top of their projects. They say that customers find it very convenient and with this tool, they are able to transform their laptop into a “virtual office.” Customers can view and approve their squawks, track project totals and see day-to-day progress. With color-coded items—airworthiness items in red and customer advisory items in blue—a quick scan helps them see what needs to be done next. The most recent and anticipated new addition is the ability to attach photos and files to approval items, giving the customer a picture of a squawk so they can see first-hand what was found during an inspection.
Here is the icing on the cake–it is easy to sign up and get started and intuitive to use. Just a few minutes of data entry by the Project Manager and a few clicks by the customer and the system is functional. Users say that the site is easy to navigate and Duncan Aviation Project Managers have never had a customer say they can’t figure it out.
“Many customers are so impressed that it actually reinforces their decision to come to Duncan Aviation,” says Jerry Tollas, a Project Manager with Duncan Aviation. “Many have commented that it is this kind of thing that sets us apart and ahead of the competition.”
Noel Blevins with Anderson & Anderson enjoys using the online approval system through myDuncan.aero.
With just an e-mail, a couple of minutes on the phone with his Project Manager and a few clicks of the mouse, Jon Blosser joined myDuncan.aero and was able to manage his entire project from his office.
“I will admit, I am not the most computer-savvy person,” says Jon Blosser, Maintenance Manager for Image Air out of Warsaw, Indiana. “But myDuncan was very easy to use.”
In fact, Jon checked in with his project (a Hawker 800 in for airframe and structural inspections and avionics upgrades) several times each day. He kept up with new items as they were added by his project manager, Dean Williams.
“I normally would have made the two-hour drive up to Battle Creek at least once to check in on the project, but with myDuncan, a visit was not necessary,” says Jon. “I highly recommend this program for anyone with a project in a Duncan Aviation hangar–it is a great communication tool.”