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«Student-Edition 2024

The Importance of Internships

An internship at Duncan Aviation is more than just another job. It is a way to gain experience in the industry, network, learn, and prepare for the future. Each year we offer roughly 50 summer internships at our fullservice facilities in Battle Creek, Michigan; Lincoln, Nebraska; and Provo, Utah. These internships allow students the opportunity to learn more about the company and explore possible career paths.

Interns are treated like any new hire. They attend orientation to receive a solid understanding of the company and culture. They are placed on teams, paired with a mentor, and given actual projects to work on. By pairing the interns with experienced technicians, they get a chance to build relationships and learn at a deeper level than any school can provide. Let’s see what some of our recent interns had to say about their experience at Duncan Aviation.

Mikayla Benigni

Lincoln, Nebraska, Avionics Install


“I really liked the work environment at Duncan Aviation. It has a family-type closeness, where we work together, and we also have fun,” says Mikayla. “One thing that the team stressed was safety. We had a camaraderie that led us to trust each other. I think that comes from our personal work ethics. When you work hard, especially as an intern, and when you show you’re willing to work hard, the team accepts you and makes you a part of it all. Personally, I like that my values align with Duncan Aviation’s professional values. It’s important to me to protect my good name, and it’s important to me, through my work, to protect Duncan Aviation’s good name as well.”

Easton Crandall

Provo, Utah, IT


“I chose to intern at Duncan Aviation because I saw the keywords IT and aircraft together, and I couldn’t have asked for a better job to apply for because those are two of my favorite things. While working for Duncan Aviation, I learned that the workforce here is incredible, and it has been the best job I have ever had. After starting here, I was instantly greeted and welcomed in a very friendly manner to where it stands out from the crowd by a ton! Interning at Duncan Aviation has prepared me for my career by giving me a chance to get into the corporate world and see how a network infrastructure is set up and maintained, which has given me a new light and understanding of how an effective network works.” 

Sadie Drawhorn

Battle Creek, Michigan, Human Resources


“Throughout my internship I learned very quickly that Duncan Aviation is more than just a place to work. It is an environment you enjoy being in every day with people who truly care about you. I have learned so much throughout my time here, and my team has prepared me to continue my journey in business/human resources by providing me with an abundance of knowledge and going above and beyond to make sure I was given everything I needed to feel like I had a place in the company. I would recommend an internship at Duncan Aviation whether you are entirely interested in aviation or not. Duncan Aviation is a great place to learn about what to look for in future careers!” 

Meloni Johnston

Battle Creek, Michigan, FBO Services


“Interning at Duncan Aviation has only strengthened my decision to have a career in the aviation industry. Every day is interesting and challenging, and it gives me the opportunity to better understand the work and industry I am going into. The people at Duncan Aviation have absolutely made my internship better. The culture here is all about teamwork and collaboration, and my team made sure I was set up for success. Everyone is very friendly and genuinely cares about the work that they do.”


Joshua McGill

Lincoln, Nebraska, Engine Line


“Interning at Duncan Aviation has prepared me for a career by giving me hands-on experience that not a lot of companies can provide. Despite being an intern without any certifications, I have still been able to perform fairly heavy maintenance on my own, and even correct and learn from my own mistakes when needed. Spending a summer far away from home was something that scared me and it turned out to be a summer that I will never forget. I would highly suggest taking that leap and doing an internship at Duncan Aviation. It is something that will benefit you and something you will never forget.”

Matthew Tweedy

Provo, Utah, Structures Shop


“I chose to do an internship at Duncan Aviation because every time I spoke with a team member of the company at career fairs and AOG competitions, they had nothing but great things to say about the atmosphere. Interning at Duncan Aviation over the summer has shown me that I can enjoy a 9-5 job and be eager to come to work every morning. Everybody whom I have had the pleasure of interacting with this summer has been incredible. They are always looking to help me learn and grow, and I am beyond thankful. I would definitely recommend Duncan Aviation to other students looking for experience. I have learned so much about my future career this summer, and the company has given me many opportunities to grow as a worker and a person.”