Before you head off to your 120-month (CL600/601) or 96-month (CL604) landing gear restoration, there are a few things you need to consider. AD 2005-15-04 requires all Challenger operators to assign serial numbers to some landing gear parts and establish a record of landings for each. This serialization is done via a Bombardier SB for each Challenger model affected, in conjunction with Messier-Dowty SBs for the parts of each landing gear assembly.
If your landing gear has maintained all its original parts, assigning numbers will be simple. However, if any parts &/or components have been replaced, this process may be more challenging. In either case, in order to avoid significant delays, we highly recommend that you complete this research before your landing gear restoration comes due.
Documentation is the key to completing this SB. Any serialized parts and components that have been replaced must also have their times and cycles established before the landing gear restoration is begun. Some components, when installed, are noted with only a simple logbook entry, but the important details are located in an 8130 or the repair station’s work order. Sometimes this paperwork with the important details is lost and can be hard to find or obtain.
Do not wait! We recommend, as an operator, you become familiar with the status of all landing gear parts affected or provide your repair station access to the necessary records well before the restoration begins. Locating all the necessary documentation can take a significant amount of time. Attempting to acquire this documentation at the time of the restoration may cause significant delays.
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