A number of KHF-950 HF components have been squawked as being stuck in transmit mode, or the frequency is changing on the controller every time a transmit is attempted. However, there were no faults found with the suspected units.
GE is recommending the replacement of the fuel valve thrust bushing be complied with as soon as possible before the fuel control has accumulated 10,000 hours.
The glow-in-the-dark Tritium "EXIT" signs that may be installed in Falcon aircraft are being phased out due to the emission of low levels of radiation. These emissions have been deemed sensitive to some local regulations.
Does a pilot have to adhere to the VDP missed point when a VDP icon displays on the profile view of a WAAS approach plate?
Extreme temperatures affect the accuracy of the Air Data Computer altitude display. With WAAS / LPV approaches, this is no longer a factor.