I’d like to remind all Falcon 2000, 2000EX and 2000EX EASy operators about Aviation Partners, Inc. (API) Service Bulletin SBF2-12-001, issued in September of 2012. This SB is only applicable to aircraft that have had winglets installed per the Supplemental Type Certificate ST01987SE. Although this SB is not mandatory, API strongly recommends compliance during the next maintenance event in which the ailerons are removed from the aircraft.
The goal of the SB is to allow for field replacement of an aileron with an exchange aileron without requiring any modification to the replacement aileron. It requires the OEM-installed hinge 1 fitting to be replaced, and if necessary, the hinge 3 fitting to be removed, modified and then reinstalled. To determine if this modification is required, inspect the aileron skin directly below the hinge 3 fitting. If the aileron skin has been modified from the OEM straight trim to a winglet STC modified trim, perform the required modification. If the straight OEM trim is present, the hinge 3 fitting modification is not required. At the conclusion of the Service Bulletin, verify that a minimum .08” clearance exists between the aileron lower skin and hinge fittings 1 & 3 when the aileron is rotated in the full down position.
During the performance of this Service Bulletin, take great care not to damage the wing skins and surrounding structure. If damage occurs, it will require an evaluation by the OEM (Dassault) or the STC holder (API) engineering for possible repair and / or replacement.
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