Duncan Aviation has purchased all intellectual property, capabilities, and equipment for the DeVore FMG4400D Flash Measuring Gun. All manufacturing, distribution, calibrations, repair, and technical support for the FMG4400D Program will be managed through Duncan Aviation’s Component Services located in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The FMG4400D flash measuring gun is a fully-portable, hand-held, digital measuring instrument manufactured to meet FAA requirements to test the intensity levels of an aircraft’s strobe and anti-collision light systems as a part of a program for continued airworthiness and maintenance.
Calibration Services
The FMG4400D is a precision instrument and must be calibrated yearly to maintain FAA acceptance when used as part of an aircraft strobe anti-collision light maintenance program.
Duncan Aviation has been providing calibration services to the aviation community for several decades and is an A2LA (cert 3908.01) accredited calibration laboratory to ISO/ IEC 17025 with calibrations traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
When returning the instrument for calibration, it is important to ship the instrument in its original protective carrying case in a cardboard carton. This will ensure that the unit is not damaged in transit.
At the same time as calibration, we will replace the proprietary internal battery. Both calibrations and battery replacement must be performed by Duncan Aviation Component Services in Lincoln, Nebraska.
To schedule calibration services, please email Calibration@DuncanAviation.com.
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