The crew aboard our F2000 has reported an ugly odor in the cabin on the last three or four flights during start, climb and descent. I’m having trouble isolating the source of this odor.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
Francisco M.
DOM, South America
You state the odor is noticeable during start-up, climb, and descent. This indicates the smell could be coming from the APU or either engine. Begin by troubleshooting the APU.
If the smell begins while the bleed air is on after starting the APU and before the engines are in operation, then the APU may be the cause. Perform a borescope inspection to see if the compressor seal is leaking. Another option is to disconnect the bleed duct from the 12 o'clock area of the APU plenum located just aft of the APU inlet. Use a flashlight and look for evidence of oil or oil coking. If you find oil, this would contaminate into the bleed ducts and an ugly odor would be evident when the engines are operating. If no oil is found from the APU, troubleshoot the engines.
Cabin air comes from the LP system of the engine. Visually inspect both engine fan rotor blades for evidence of oil where the fan blade and fan disc connect. There could be oil on the aft side of the fan blades if the #1 carbon seal is leaking. The #3 carbon seal could also be leaking. Inspect behind the fan rotor assembly and look for evidence of oil wetting at the 6 o'clock position of the fan bypass stator vanes possibly oil puddled at the bottom of the fan bypass stator vanes. If the #3 carbon seal is leaking, oil would usually be evident right after engine shut down. Both the #1 and #3 carbon seals, if leaking, would allow oil to be present in the compressor section and would flow through the LP bleed air system.
Another check to isolate the smell is to shut down one bleed system at a time during different flight conditions. For a couple of minutes each, alternate the passenger or crew air conditioning off to determine which engine could be producing the smell. Do this check during climb, cruise and descent conditions.
I hope this helps your troubleshooting. Please contact me if you require further attention.
Shane Heier
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