The ramping of environmental water towards an exit point has always been a challenge. Under the F900 baggage door motor you can see a prime example of this “trickling” protection. Dassault, with good intentions, provided a slope in this area with blue 3M filling compound sealed with a sealant and paint. As long as this sealant stays intact, things are fine. But if water is allowed to get under the sealant and soak this lightweight filler, corrosion sets in. Because of the door cable opening, this panel is not sealed.
At your earliest convenience, I suggest you carefully inspect the motor bracket in the door. This is done by properly supporting the door, removing the door motor and some of the filler product. If corrosion is found, all of the filling compound will need to be removed and the area thoroughly inspected. After addressing any corrosion issues, ramping this area with sealant only is recommended.
For any questions about this or other Falcon technical issues, contact your Duncan Aviation Falcon Tech Rep.
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