Whether your department is considering an upgrade or an addition to the fleet, there are many factors associated with the decision to purchase a business jet or turboprop aircraft.
However, smaller flight departments often have less operational and budget flexibility and tend to hold onto aircraft longer. Directors of Maintenance, Chief Pilots, and Directors of Aviation for smaller departments often wear more than one hat and must respond quickly to a variety of challenges. They do not always have the time or the tools to quickly and efficiently research all the necessary parameters to prepare and present a fleet planning or market analysis to the principal. That’s where a reputable aircraft sales and acquisitions team can be a valuable partner to assist your flight department with responding to requests from the principal by providing quick, actionable intelligence derived from an extensive array of resources. With detailed and accurate analysis of critical factors, including performance parameters, cabin layouts, fixed and variable operating costs, market conditions, and maintenance budget projections, a small department can present the gathered intelligence needed by the principal(s) to empower an informed decision. Benefits of aircraft acquisition and broker services Duncan Aviation’s Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions Team Duncan Aviation has a team of market researchers, data analysts, import/export specialists, marketing experts, modification and engineering representatives, and the industry’s most experienced airframe/engine/component technical representatives. They have a toolbox of sophisticated subscription-based programs, model comparison programs, internal data, and other resources, including: Consider a visit to one of Duncan Aviation’s three full-service MRO facilities to review and compare aircraft options side-by-side. The Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions Team is happy to set up an executive briefing for your department and/or your principal to answer questions, view and compare different aircraft models, and provide a summary analysis to help familiarize you with a particular aircraft or market segment. To learn more about the services offered by Duncan Aviation’s Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions Department. Contact us at aircraftsales@duncanaviation.com. Additional Resources View Available Duncan Aviation Aircraft Listings
Read Aircraft Sales & Acquisitions Brochure
Business Jet Model/Market Summary
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