The FAA released Emergency AD 2014-12-52 on June 10, 2014, due to reports of LPT2 blade separations. Compliance of the AD is to prevent blade failure, engine in-flight shutdowns and aircraft damage.
This applies to all Honeywell TFE731-4/-5/-20/-40/-50/-60 turbofan engines.
This AD requires a thorough review of all the engine logbooks to determine if any engine installed has LPT2 blade, P/N 3075424-1,-2 or -3, installed with less than 250 hours of operation since new on the blade. This AD also prohibits operation of any aircraft with two or more affected engines that have the above mentioned LPT2 blades.
The FAA released Alternate Means Of Compliance (AMOC) on Friday, June 27, 2014. It permits aircraft to return to service through the compliance of three Honeywell Service Bulletins per model released on Wednesday, June 25, 2014.
SB 72-A5246
SB 72-A5242
SB 72-A5240
SB 72-A3792
SB 72-A3790
SB 72-A3796
AD 2014-12-52 was not preceded by a notice or an opportunity for public comment. The FAA found that there was significant risk and an unsafe condition that required its immediate adoption.
On July 28, 2014, the FAA issued an amendment to AD 2014-12-52 that supersedes the AD dated June 10, 2014. This AD is their final rule and they are now inviting you to send any written data, views or arguments about this AD.
If you have any technical questions about this AD, please contact our Turbine Engine Tech Rep for Honeywell, Shawn Schmitz.
*Jon Dodson is a turbine engine service sales rep located in Duncan Aviation’s Lincoln, facility. He was elected to the Honeywell Global Customer Committee (GCC) as the GCC Communications Vice-Chair for the Americas.
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