Honeywell has introduced an updated LPT 3 Blade for the TFE731-4/-5/-20/-40/-50/-60 engines. Service Bulletins 72-3747 and 72-5208 have been released to provide the installation of these blades. These are the blades you see when you look up the tailpipe.
New blade part number 3061823-2 replaces blades 3060788-1, 3060690-1 (-2) and 3074755-3 (-4).
These service bulletins will no longer be applicable after the installation of these blades: 72-3587, 72-3689, 72-3611, 72-3686, 72-3697, 72-3701, 72-5119, 72-5154, 72-5175, and 72-5160.
The new 3071823-2 blades will have a life limit of 10 marks, the blade marking factor will be published in Service Bulletins 72-3494 and 72-5172.
The target for blade life is 10,000 hours. The previous blades 3060788-1 were only good for one MPI interval.
The new part number blades cannot be mixed with any other part number.
For questions about this or other Technical issues, contact your Duncan Aviation TFE731 Tech Reps.
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