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Recommendation for Learjet 35/55 Starter Reconditioning

January 2024

Duncan Aviation's Accessories shop recommends a reconditioning program for the Learjet/Bendix starter 6608268-6 on Learjet 35/55 aircraft. Our experience shows that implementing a commutator and brush reconditioning program can significantly extend the life of the armature and brushes.

We advise reconditioning the armature commutator and reseating and rerunning the brushes every 800 hours (maximum). This proactive maintenance approach helps prevent armature commutator damage, which can otherwise lead to costly repairs.

Without regular reconditioning, the commutator becomes pitted and burnt due to the weakening electrical connection caused by brush erosion. Over time, this damage progresses to mica electrical breakdown. Mica is the electrical insulation between the armature commutator bars. Unfortunately, this type of damage is typically irreversible, necessitating armature replacement.

A common early warning sign of this issue is a slow engine spool during start-up.

Proactive reconditioning not only prevents significant damage but also ensures the continued reliability of your starter.

For more information, reach out to me or contact a Duncan Aviation Customer Account rep.

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