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The Duncan Intelligence is a free, technical newsletter for business aircraft owners and operators. Written in-house by Duncan Aviation's technical representatives, each edition includes technical tips and advice on topics and trends in business aviation. It is a free, monthly e-mail subscription for aviation enthusiasts around the world.

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July 2024 Edition

The Importance Of Proper Business Jet Engine Preservation

If your aircraft will be sitting idle for longer than normal, we recommend you take extra steps to keep your engines in working condition and minimize the potential for deterioration. Engine preservation is critical during times of long-term storage, with some unfortunate effects when procedures are not followed.


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Pre-Purchase Evaluation Checklists

Our pre-buy evaluation checklist was created to detect the most commonly found discrepancies we see daily while performing routine and structural inspections.


Rader Antenna Switch Settings

When replacing an ART-2000 or ART-2100 radar receiver transmitter with a loaner or replacement unit, make sure to check that the antenna switch settings are set to the proper flat plate.


Lead Acid Aircraft Battery Maintenance & Charging

All aircraft batteries, regardless of whether they're a ni-cad, lead acid or lithium, will require maintenance at some point and time. It is important to perform these maintenance checks at the required intervals and as instructed in the prescribed maintenance instructions.


ATTD Flag Showing in ADI

The problem could be with the remote vertical gyro valid missing due to the gyro not being valid, or it could be the ADI itself is not positioning to where the gyro is telling it to be.